Lionel: Hmm? …..WHAT??!!!…………Oh PAHLease!!
Category: Lionel Lineman
Lionel Lineman: Sneaking
I’m upset that the one with music won’t upload on this thing. Either way you are getting the full animation complete with Lionel interacting with the background. Here is some of the latest animation that I have done.
Lionel Lineman: Frisbee
Frisbee is one of my favorite recreation sports. For some reason I see it as a more dynamic form of a simple game of catch. Today Lionel is making a jumping catch and throwing it back to his partner.
Lionel Lineman: Horseshoe Throw
Everybody loves pitchin’ some shoes, and Lionel is no different! Granted he has a totally different approach to the game, but thats what character animation is all about.
Lionel Lineman: Dancing
Oh my its been a while. I think I was too ambitious to animate Lionel dancing.
Lionel Lineman: Running
Run Lionel Run!
Lionel Lineman: Fishing
Today Lionel gives fishing a whirl. I wanted to emphasize more on his posing in hopes that his body language was easily readable. I know I could have spent more time on his struggle reeling in and pulling on the line, but Lionel tests are purely experimental.
Lionel Lineman: Baseball
Well I was able to get Lionel to do another quick test for me today. He’s doin a more dynamic animation this time: throwing a baseball.
Put some pepper on it Lionel!
Lionel Lineman: Scared
LOOKY HERE! It’s my first animation since I finished my senior film in May! I still got it!!
Here is my new minor character that I’ll be showcasing on here, Lionel Lineman.
I’m trying out a new animation program and I was just goofing around with it when I came up with this little animation test. I want to try and do at least a 3 second animation test once a week.
So without further ado, Lionel getting spooked in a typical character animation test.
Welcome to the MatTOONArt cast Lionel!